The Creative Power of Music
As part of my desire to discover how we can enter the state of flow and be much more effective and creative with our design work, I’ve been seeing what the effect of music can have on creativity and the news is good.
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As part of my desire to discover how we can enter the state of flow and be much more effective and creative with our design work, I’ve been seeing what the effect of music can have on creativity and the news is good.
A year of writing an article every week has taught me much about the positive effect it has on creativity. I’ve also realised just how important writing is from when I stopped writing for a few years before this year of activity.
When work becomes too challenging it can get frustrating but there are techniques you can use to reduce the frustration
Perfectionism can be paralysing but there is an easy way to cure it and still be happy with the quality of your work
Creating more work is the most effective way to improve the quality of your work with consistent results across industries and types of jobs
Most of us have creativity "sucked" out of us after our school life is over but it's a quality we need to regain
Analysing and learning from design in your daily life, away from your work, will help you become a better designer